With the now all too familiar impending doom on the high street, in the financial markets and general baa hambug around at the moment, it would be all too easy to throw our hands up in the air and feel pretty darn down in the dumps. It's easy to feel powerless to stop this rollercoaster of doom and according to the pundits, it will get worse before it gets better. I say NO!
Are we a nation of whingers or are we going to get up and do something, no matter how small. I believe we are the former and as a fan of John Wayne I believe in the concept of 'true grit'. It's hard out there, there's no denying it but expecting someone else to pick up the pieces or roll over and just not care anymore, won't do. Yeap I'm ranting but as a parent, a business owner and a consumer I'm only too aware of job losses, price increases, stealth tax, greedy energy suppliers, cynical bankers et al.
We can all do something to help our economy right now, we can support British business, British produce, local suppliers and community. Farmers markets, delivery schemes, high street shops, it's there for the taking. Don't 'just pop out to the supermarket', who stand to make the most out of the recession as we all look for the cheapest option. They are ripping us off more than anyone and couldn't give a damn.
In our fight against the big brands and superstore b******ds who have ripped our economy to shreds and destroyed our sense of community and identity we constantly seeking new and interesting companies, sites, people who are working for posiive change. Here's a few useful sites we have found recently...
http://www.choosebritish.co.uk - a nice resource with potted history articles and information about all things British from actors and musicians to cars and food.
http://www.bigbarn.co.uk - find all your local producers here.
http://www.localfoodshop.co.uk - buy from your local food producers online.
http://www.naturalcollection.com - green and gorgeous stuff to buy, In November the clever people at the Natural Collection launched Ooffoo, currently a beta site, we think it promises to be a fantastic resource for the future. It's an "eco space where it's FREE to swap, sell, give away, recycle and share ideas with like-minded people". Check it out
http://www.naturalcollection.com/natcolnew/Marketplace/marketplace.aspxhttp://www.ecoescapemembers.co.uk - shaping the future of sustainable tourism in the UK and Ireland. It's all about connecting ideas, people and places.
http://www.eatingbritain.com - a UK food site with some useful articles about....food actually.
http://www.uniquescrapstore.com - a social enerprise, this online scrap store has all sorts of bits and bobs at cheap prices rescued from a fate in the landfill. As a parent of little ones the PVA glue at £3.40 (ex VAT) is a winner. They run a membership scheme that could be useful for teachers or those running community projects when you need to buy in bulk.
http://puredesigncompany.co.uk - fab eco products made from recycled stuff, making great gifts for Christmas. The jewellery made from discarded vinyl records look excellent.
http://www.tescopoly.org - growing evidence indicates that Tesco's success is partly based on trading practices that are having serious consequences for suppliers, farmers and workers worldwide, local shops and the environment.