Phew the calendars are done! My head is awash with dates, times and the logistics of organising a years worth of vineyard tours. You can now take a look at the provisional dates for 2009 but I hasten to add that they may change (unless marked as confirmed) as we bring on board more vineyards and special packages.
Fortunately thanks to 'Oz & James Drink to Britain' there's never been a better time to motivate a nation into celebrating our UK booze and drinks industry. If J & O ever get over being grumpy old men (endearingly so I hasten to add) I'm not sure I believe they will ever be able to find a drink that defines a nation like Britain today. How can they when the quality that makes us so interesting and at times eccentric in the UK, is our diversity.
What has become apparent is the Characters out there dedicated to making great British grog and how they go about doing it, which is fascinating. Whilst personally I don't believe you can define a nation by any one thing, there is something totally unifying about 'having a drink'. (Now I hasten to add that this is not about getting plastered or throwing up in a gutter - quite the opposite).
Let's face it we don't really need all these different drinks. We need food as fuel, we need water to keep us hydrated and everything else is superflous. However having a 'drink' is about pleasure and sensation: the variation of taste, texture, colour and the memories they can invoke. I'm talking about those times when you meet a mate in the pub, pop open a bottle of wine with you girlfriends or just sit, relax and quietly contemplate the end of another day. That's what I love about wine, beer drinkers love about beer, apple juice lovers about apple juice....You stop and think, you become aware of the sensations in your body, your palate, even the smells can take you back to that wonderful holiday you had years ago. Or the day you fell in love or perhaps even fell out of love but had a great night with your friends instead.
Personally my favourite drinking memory came after abstaining from alcohol and pasturised cheese for 9 months before my second son was born. Only moments after the birth I revelled in a glass of Cortefigaretto Amarone and a humungous slice of Dolcelatte cheese - in fact I could have bathed it in given half the chance and I can still taste that moment to this day.
I'm thirsty, fancy a drink anyone?
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