English Vine Tours and Ben Furst, were invited to present a range of Italian wines, featuring indigenous grapes to a crowd of over 200 guests.
Prior to the wine tasting there was a wine talk on the psychology of wine, enjoyment and purchase by Miles Thomas. A great guy who spoke with passion and knowledge.
Miles covered the many concepts of the psychology of buying wine. He discussed the use of music by wine merchants experimenting how it affects purchasing behaviour of customers in shops. For example those retailers who played classical music found their customers bought fewer bottles of wine but higher value wines.
According to Miles findings, consumers experience of wine is related to the amount they spend as their expectations are higher, ie the more people spend on wine the more they savour and enjoy it.
The wine tasting presented by Ben Furst, consisted of 4 great Italian classics, Fiano, Soave Classico, Montepulciano d'Abruzzo and Chianti. Ben disucssed the importance of indigenous grapes and terroir, placing an emphasis on wines that have been forged through history and time: not a concoction of kiss me quick international grape varieties with high alcohol and a big bouquet. As such the wine went down well, all bottles were milked dry and as hunger set in Ben bowed away with thanks to Ruth and Miles.
English Vine Tours & Ben Furst are next presenting on 22nd April, for St George's Day - event to be announced. A final word: remember when buying wines, buy carefully with thought to price and provenance. Better to buy local or spend a bit more if buying wines from the new world. That way you won't be disappointed. Drink with a meal and friends and you will get more from your grapes!
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