Well the weather was kind to us having poured down the previous day. Natalyia had treated her significant other, Paul, to a great day out, wine tasting in glorious East Sussex.
Pelham Hotel in Lewes for coffee, tea and croissants in the garden, surrounded by art, wisteria in full bloom and happy looking breakfast-ers! Fed, watered we set off for the first stop at Carr Taylor Vineyards near Westfield in East Sussex. The vines are flourishing, flower burst had turned into bud burst with grape bunches now developing nicely. Standing amongst the rich greeness, sun on our backs it was almost transcending, very beautiful and idylic indeed.
Having viewed and discussed an established vineyard we took a look at a recently grubbed-up and re-planted vineyard. Swiftly followed by a look into the workings of a winery, followed by the tasting.
Ah the tasting, this is where it gets good. We are always amazed at others reactions to how good English wines are. "Wow I really never knew English wines were this good!!" A regular exclamation and one that brings a smile to our faces, we moved elagantly from dry/aromatic whites, to rose through to three sparkling wines and then onto the versatile fruit wines!
After a lovely Sussex Ploughamn's Lunch we drove only 15 minutes further down the road to the village of Sedlescombe and into Sedlescombe Organic Vineyards. Roy was pottering about on his tractor, Irma was charming and their vines looked great. The Solaris swelling up magnificently, the Regent too also looked great. True eco-warriors they exemplify what others talk about but never do! From the converted caravan into an office, their self-build home, lazy door-stop cat, flourishing vegetable plot, self-maturing manure, hand-sewen clover ground cover for added nitrogen the list is endless. It is always a tremendous pleasure in bringing our guests into this unique and much loved vineyard. The wines are not too shabby neither!!
A great day was had and once again Georgie & I are honoured to be playing hosts cum tourguides to an array of such really wonderful people, may it continue...........